Alpes Student Club
Club of PhD students specialized in Optics

From left to right : Benjamin Brunel, treasurer Clément Abelard, vice-president Cyril Bernerd, president Feng Guo, webmaster

From left to right : Benjamin Brunel, treasurer Clément Abelard, vice-president Cyril Bernerd, president Feng Guo, webmaster
Are you interested in visiting Grenoble top Industries and enlarge your network in Optics?
Then you could be interested in joining your Club of PhD students specialized in Optics, which is part of the European Optical Society (EOS) and the Société Française d’Optique (SFO).
Why joining the Club?

By joining the Club, you will be able to visit some Grenoble’s top companies in Optics, get to interact with PhD students in your field and enlarge your network to get to know people and job positions in Optics. For instance last year Club members were allowed to visit Sofradir facilities and the imaging platforms of the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences.

Club Overview
Completely managed by PhD students since its creation in 2012, the EOS SFO Alpes Student Club is supported by three industrial sponsors (see links below) and a large network of photonic companies and laboratories.

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*Visit of Resolution Spectra Systems*​
On the 6th of December 2016, the club visited Resolution Spectra Systems.
We would like to thank again to the Resolution Spectra Systems members for the very interesting presentation of their work and visit of their lab.
*Celebration of the New Year 2016 and General Assembly*
We gladly invite you to have a drink with chocolate with us to celebrate the New Year and meet the new members who joined us recently. Furthermore, we are looking for motivated people to pursue the life of the Club. For this reason, we organize a General Assembly on January 15 at 2 p.m. in "la Maison des Magistères" next to Néel Institute.
*Academic and Christmas meeting*
On Friday December 19th, 2014, we will organize an academic meeting with Serge Huant (CNRS) and Benoît Boulanger (UJF). More details in the Events tab of the website ;-).
*Visit of Teem Photonics*
The first visit of a Grenoble top Industry has been organized! The day has been fixed for the 6th October, if you are interested make a registration on the doodle!
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Club de Photonique des Alpes
25 Avenue des Martyrs
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
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